Yglesias Twitter
Here is an updated list of political blogs, ranked by their authority on Technorati. Some are ideological, others are journalistic. We've broken out top 20 lists of liberal and conservative blogs, below.
[The Editors, January 2009]
[The Editors, January 2009]
Vox founder Matt Yglesias fact-checks the ‘bad day’ clip from Vox’s Aaron Rupar in the shot/chaser of the year Posted at 7:22 pm on March 19, 2021 by Greg P. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter.
- The latest tweets from @mattyglesias.
- Yglesias is just the latest in a long line of Twitter users who have reported clear-cut cases of threats, harassment, and hate speech, only to be told by Twitter firmly that the behavior did not.
- Twitter Is Not Impressed With Ted Cruz's Questionable CPAC Joke About Cancun; CPAC Attendees Boo, Yell ‘Freedom!’ After Being Told To Wear Masks; Golden Donald Trump Statue At CPAC Has Twitter Warning Idol Worshippers; CPAC Canceled An Anti-Semitic Speaker. Here Are The Extremists They Didn’t Cancel.
- Matthew Yglesias (/ ɪ ˈ ɡ l eɪ s i ə s /; born May 18) is an American blogger and journalist who writes about economics and politics. Yglesias has written columns and articles for publications such as The American Prospect, The Atlantic, and Slate.In November 2020, he left his position as an editor and columnist for the news website Vox, which he co-founded in 2014, to publish through.
Top 50 Political Blogs
- HuffingtonPost
- Boing Boing
- Daily Kos
- CNN Political Ticker
- Daily Dish (Andrew Sullivan)
- Treehugger
- Threat Level
- Think Progress
- 538
- Talking Points Memo
- Washington Wire (Wall Street Journal)
- Michelle Malkin
- Ben Smith (Politico)
- The Corner (National Review Online)
- Pajamas Media
- Hot Air
- Political Radar (ABC News)
- Crooks and Liars
- Newsbusters
- Glenn Greenwald (Salon)
- Swampland (Time)
- Powerline
- Redstate
- Americablog
- Firedoglake
- Gateway Pundit
- Matthew Yglesias
- Hit & Run (Reason)
- Feministing
- TruthDig
- Buzzmachine
- CQ Politics
- Open Left
- Hullabaloo
- Talk Left
- Taegan Goddard's Political Wire
- Mother Jones
- Pam's House Blend
- MyDD
- Balloon Juice
- Stop the ACLU
- The Next Right
- The Moderate Voice
- Feministe
- Real Clear Politics
- Atrios
- Little Green Footballs
Top 20 Liberal Blogs
- HuffingtonPost
- Boing Boing
- Daily Kos
- Think Progress
- 538
- Talking Points Memo
- Crooks and Liars
- Glenn Greenwald (Salon)
- Americablog
- Firedoglake
- Matthew Yglesias
- TruthDig
- Feministing
- Open Left
- Hullabaloo
- Talk Left
- Mother Jones
- Pam's House Blend
- MyDD
Top 20 Conservative Blogs
- Michelle Malkin
- The Corner (National Review Online)
- Pajamas Media
- Hot Air
- Newsbusters
- Powerline
- Redstate
- Gateway Pundit
- Stop the ACLU
- The Next Right
- Real Clear Politics
- Little Green Footballs
- Wizbang
- Ann Althouse
- Confederate Yankee
- Flopping Aces
- The Foundry (Heritage Foundation)
- Patrick Ruffini
- Soren Dayton
Andy Slavitt Twitter
Yglesias Twitter
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