Pycharm Paid Version

The Community version is free and open-source and the Professional version is the paid one. You can choose any according to your requirements and then you can proceed with configuring PyCharm You can check out the list of Python Interview Questions prepared by experts, which will help you crack any Python interview! PyCharm Premium Version If you are interested in the special features that you can avail by signing up for a premium plan then keep on reading! If you happen to look at the pricing for the premium plan, you may be in shock. Now the first version of the year has arrived: PyCharm 2020.1. The new features include an updated debugging and interactive rebasing experience for users of both the paid and free edition. In PyCharm 2020.1, JetBrains adds new features for both the Community Edition and the Professional Edition of its Python IDE. I use the paid version, and have otherwise found nothing to complain about the interface, utility, and capabilities. Likelihood to Recommend PyCharm is well suited for any individual or organization looking to use Python for development and deployment.

What is PyCharm?

PyCharm is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), built by JetBrains, for the Python software development language. Python is a fast, interpreted language suited to data analysis and artificial intelligence but it can also be used to run a web application or build a game. While any code editor can be used to write Python code, Pycharm is a software platform that supports:

  • Code editing
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Auto-complete
  • Refactoring tools
  • A powerful interactive debugger
  • A run-time environment.

PyCharm editions

PyCharm Edu

PyCharm Edu is a free version of PyCharm made to help teach Python. It can be run in learner mode or educator mode and has features to support these audiences. Educator mode offers access to the JetBrains academy with Python course curriculum for teachers.

PyCharm Community

PyCharm Community Edition is a full featured IDE including highlighting, autocomplete a powerful debugger and git integration. The community edition is highly capable and can get you a long way in your Python journey. PyCharm Community is great for pure Python development.

PyCharm Professional

PyCharm Professional is the paid version of PyCharm. It includes a profiler, and extra support for working with databases, external frameworks and scientific tools. PyCharm Professional also supports web languages like HTML, CSS and Javascript.

How to Install PyCharm


I recommend using the JetBrains Toolbox to install and manage your PyCharm install. The Toolbox runs on Windows and Linux (AMD only) and helps you manage all JetBrains tools. It is similar to the Adobe Creative Cloud app.

PyCharm can also be installed standalone. I recommend installing PyCharm as standalone on ARM architectures where the ToolBox won't run. PyCharm is Java based, so as long as you have Java you can run PyCharm.

Linux (Ubuntu)

The Jetbrains Toolbox can be installed via download. The JetBrains website should detect your OS and switch to a tar.gz file download for Linux.

Go to JetBrains Toolbox app page and download the install package

This command will expand the Toolbox files into a new folder called /jetbrains-toolbox-1.17.7018 in the current folder. Change directories to this folder and run the Jetbrains toolbox

From the Toolbox, click on 'install' next to the PyCharm edition you wish to install. Once the install is complete you can run PyCharm from the Toolbox or from the JetBrains group.

How to Setup PyCharm

Install Python

If you dont have Python installed, you'll want to install a Python interpreter. To install python on Windows go to and to the downloads to find the latest stable version. Python can be installed on ubuntu with the following command:

Create New Project

Ok let's create a project. Start PyCharm and create new project from the start page. We'll call it 'hello-world'.

The following screen is displayed to setup your project.

In this example, I have the Python37 interpreter setup on Windows. The Virtualenv setup allows you to run your code in a Virtual interpreter environment hosted by PyCharm.


Let's add a simple code file. Right-click the 'hello-world' project folder and add a Python file to the project called 'hello-world'. PyCharm will add the 'py' file extension, so don't type that.

In the editor window add the following code:

You can run this code using the short cut Shift-F10 or right click and select 'run'.

There we have it! PyCharm is setup and running Python code.


Windows Defender (And other Anti-Virus)

The message about Windows Defender impacting performance is an optimization that PyCharm offers to help improve the coding experience. Anti Virus software will scan new files and file updates which can slow down performance. The work you are doing in a Python project does not need to be scanned on every change. PyCharm can update Windows Defender automatically. Choose 'Fix' and 'Configure Automatically'

Photo by Reuben Mcfeeters on Unsplash

What is Integrated Development Environment(IDE)?

An IDE is an application used by developers and programmers to write and test programs or software. IDE plays an important role in programming to find errors during development. IDE can be accessed via GUI (Graphical User Interface) which consists of compiler or interpreter, editor and debugger. A programmer can write code or programs, edit it and debug also.

A beginner programmer can start coding using a simple text editor but when it comes to executing complex code with libraries then they need a good IDE and then everyone wants a proper programming environment that combines coding facility with a debugging environment. The selection of a good IDE depends on the software we are going to develop because every IDE has its own pros and cons. In the following section, we will briefly explain some of the best Python IDE’s used for machine learning.

JuPyter Notebook

This IDE was derived from IPython back in 2014. Jupyter notebook was founded by Fernando Pérez. Some key features of the JuPyter notebook are as follows:

  1. Free, Open source and easy to use.
  2. Up to 40 languages support like python, R, Julia, Scala etc.
  3. Integrated machine learning libraries support
  4. Interactive widgets to show output
  5. allowing you to add HTML components from images to videos.
  6. you can export your final work to PDF and HTML files
  7. If you are a beginner then JuPyter is best for you.


Latest Pycharm Version

Spyder stands for Scientific Python Development Environment. It was founded by Pierre Raybaut in 2009. It is written in python. Some key features of Spyder are as follows:

  1. Free and Open source
  2. Support runtime debugging
  3. Support variable explorer
  4. text editor with syntax highlighting
  5. code completion is the best feature of this IDE
  6. Provides classes or functions documentation in editor or console
  7. It integrates the essentials libraries for Machine learning, such as NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib and IPython, we can also extend Spyder with plugins.


This IDE is developed by JetBrains for python programming in 2010. PyCharm has two versions: Free version (PyCharm Community edition) and paid version with 30 days free trial (PyCharm professional edition). Some key features of PyCharm are as follows:

  1. External or built-in code completion
  2. Fast and safe serving
  3. JavaScript and python GUI debugger
  4. Show error as you type
  5. Besides Python, PyCharm provides support for JavaScript, HTML and CSS, Angular JS, Node.js, and so it also a good option for web development.
  6. Like Most of the other IDEs, we can extent PyCharm with plugins.
  7. In PyCharm we can switch different themes and colors.

VS(visual studio)

Another good IDE for python was developed by Microsoft. It has paid and free version. It has its own extension marketplace. Some key features of VS Code are as follows:

  1. Hint and auto-completion capability
  2. Active debugger capability
  3. Allow working with other tools like unity, SQL and .net etc.
  4. Web applications ability to work with Django and flask
  5. Local or remote repositories capable

Google Colab

It is a free cloud-based jupyter notebook environment. It does not require any setup to install. You just create a notebook and start coding. Some key features of Google Colab are as follows:

Pycharm Version 2020.1 Download

  1. Create, upload and share notebooks
  2. Import/export notebook directly to Google Drive and GitHub
  3. Import dataset from Kaggle or any other platform
  4. Free GPU service available
  5. Good for deep learning libraries

To use Google Colab click on this link (


Atom is also An open source text editor and developed by Github.

Some key features of Atom are as follows:

  1. Atom IDE supports many popular programming languages such as Ruby on Rails, PHP, Java and especially python.
  2. we add more plugins as we need and we can customize the editor according to our need.
  3. Many built-in libraries for data visualization.

Benefits of using an IDE Over Text Editor:

An IDE provides us a complete development environment and complete kit of tools like debugger, visualization etc. Some of the key benefits of using an IDE are the following.

Pycharm For Pc

  • In IDE we have already developed Working Tools that save our time.
  • Reduce Development time.
  • Debugging is easier in IDEs.
  • IDE shows Errors as we go, so we can correct us on the spot.
  • IDEs Auto complete the syntax which reduces the time.
  • highlighting of syntax is the best feature of IDEs.
  • we can add more functionality(plugins) according to our needs.
  • IDE also provides a console where you can see the execution result like output values code warning etc. In case of error, you can see the error detail.

Is Pycharm Free Vs Paid

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