Alfred Evernote
Alfred-evernote-workflow vulnerabilities. Evernote workflow for Alfred 4. View on npm View alfred-evernote-workflow package health on Snyk Advisor. Latest version: 0.9.8: First published: 9 months ago Latest version published: 2 months ago Licenses detected license. Evernoteのカスタム検索をAlfredでやってみたかったが出来なかった - tomikun’s diary でAlfredのEvernote内のノート検索をするWorkflowが使えない、という記事を書きました。結果としてはWorkflowでMacのEvernoteアプリ内の検索は出来なかった訳です。その後.
This is sort of a plugin to a great OSX app, Alfred. It adds all notes in Evernote “Snippets” Notebook as a quick-paste snippet in Alfred.
I use both alfred and evernote extensively, so Im quite happy about this one!
- Provided you have Evernote, Alfred and powerpack and this workflow installed
- Put some snippets in “Snippets” notebook in evernote
- Hit afred `s your_note_title`
- enter
- note content is now pasted to your focused window
Making of:
Script filter: |
var q = '{query}'; |
var values = Application('Evernote').findNotes('notebook:Snippets ' + q); |
var ret = '<?xml version='1.0'?><items>'; |
for (var i=0; i<values.length; i++ ) { |
var title = values[i].title(); |
var val = values[i].htmlContent().replace(/<br/>/g,'{enter}').replace(/<[^>]*?>/g,'); |
var sub = values[i].htmlContent().replace(/n/g,').replace(/<[^>]*?>/g,'); |
ret += '<item arg='+val+'><title>' + title + '</title><subtitle>' + sub + '</subtitle></item>'; |
} |
ret += '</items>'; |
You will need this to properly handle spaces (script filter has trouble with that) |
NSAScript (synchronous) |
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string) |
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string |
set the item_list to every text item of this_text |
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string |
set this_text to the item_list as string |
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ' |
return this_text |
end replace_chars |
on alfred_script(q) |
return replace_chars(q, '{enter} ', 'n') |
end alfred_script |
Alfred Evernote Search
Evernote has changed significantly over the past few years, and it no longer provides results in a way that can be included in your Alfred search results.
Alfred Evernote
As of October 2020, the only way to search Evernote from Alfred is to use Evernote 7 from the Evernote legacy page, and use one of the Evernote workflows available on the Alfred forum.
Currently, the new Evernote 10 does not provide any way for content to be searched from Alfred, but Evernote have stated that AppleScript support may be added. You can make your voice heard to Evernote if you're keen to see this feature made available once again.